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Dear All,

The Nordic ARM Conference for 2022 is on. A bit delayed we will arrange the biyearly Nordic ARM Conference 11th and 12th of October at Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport. The conference was originally scheduled to take place in Iceland, but due to short planning notice we made the decision to postpone Iceland to 2024. Invitations will be sent out shortly. The Conference will focus on sustainability, innovation and automation.
We would like to receive presentation proposals as soon as possible. Some of the presentations are already confirmed:

-Using gas burner and still manage CO2 reduction

-Cleaning tools after machine breakdown. Learning the hard way

-New recycled materials for RM

-ABC of recycling for Rotomoulding

Looking forward to meet you all again.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Ronny Ervik
Nordic ARM Chairman and Conference Coordinator